Results for 'Teresa Piscitelli Carpino'

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  1.  29
    Marcello Salvadore (a cura di), La poesia tardoantica e medievale. [REVIEW]Teresa Piscitelli Carpino - 2004 - Augustinianum 44 (1):246-255.
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    Il Commento a Matteo di Origene. Atti del X Convegno di Studi del Gruppo di Ricerca italiano su Origene e la Tradizione Alessandrina (Napoli, 24-26 settembre 2008), ed. Teresa Piscitelli[REVIEW]Giuseppe Caruso - 2012 - Augustinianum 52 (2):523-531.
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    Indirect Observation in Everyday Contexts: Concepts and Methodological Guidelines within a Mixed Methods Framework.M. Teresa Anguera, Mariona Portell, Salvador Chacón-Moscoso & Susana Sanduvete-Chaves - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:254638.
    Indirect observation is a recent concept in systematic observation. It largely involves analyzing textual material generated either indirectly from transcriptions of audio recordings of verbal behavior in natural settings (e.g., conversation, group discussions) or directly from narratives (e.g., letters of complaint, tweets, forum posts). It may also feature seemingly unobtrusive objects that can provide relevant insights into daily routines. All these materials constitute an extremely rich source of information for studying everyday life, and they are continuously growing with the burgeoning (...)
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  4. Some Highs and Lows of Hylomorphism: On a Paradox about Property Abstraction.Teresa Robertson Ishii & Nathan Salmón - 2020 - Philosophical Studies 177 (6):1549-1563.
    We defend hylomorphism against Maegan Fairchild’s purported proof of its inconsistency. We provide a deduction of a contradiction from SH+, which is the combination of “simple hylomorphism” and an innocuous premise. We show that the deduction, reminiscent of Russell’s Paradox, is proof-theoretically valid in classical higher-order logic and invokes an impredicatively defined property. We provide a proof that SH+ is nevertheless consistent in a free higher-order logic. It is shown that the unrestricted comprehension principle of property abstraction on which the (...)
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    Un instante de verdad: un ensayo sobre el sosiego.Teresa Langle de Paz - 2024 - Barcelona: Ático de los Libros.
  6. Kierkegaards Begriff der Ausnahme: der Geist als Liebe.Teresa Aizpún de Bobadilla - 1992 - München: Akademischer Verlag.
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    Concreto Ecológico.Maria Teresa Gomes Barbosa, White José dos Santos & Isabel Christina de Almeida Ferreira - forthcoming - Principia.
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  8. Deus e materialmso nas filosofias de Bergeson e Whitehead.Maria Teresa Teixeira - 2009 - In Carlos João Correia, A religião e o ateísmo contemporâneo. Lisboa: Centro de Filosofia da Universidade.
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    From the Sacred to the Divine: A New Phenomenological Approach.Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka - 1994 - Springer.
    The contemporary revival of interest in the Sacred as a category of philosophico-religious reflection here finds a radical reversal of the traditional direction, taking the Sacred as the starting point of the itinerary toward the Divine. The wide variety of essays contained in this volume attempt to ground philosophy of the Sacred and the Divine in phenomenological evidence. Though employing different methodologies, the contributors register by and large the contribution of A-T. Tymieniecka's phenomenology of life in providing a significant 20th (...)
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  10. Phenomenology in Japan: A Presentation.Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka - 1979 - Analecta Husserliana 8:vii.
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    Phenomenology of Life in a Dialogue Between Chinese and Occidental Philosophy.Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka - 1984 - Springer.
    To introduce this collection of research studies, which stem from the pro grams conducted by The World Phenomenology Institute, we need say a few words about our aims and work. This will bring to light the significance of the present volume. The phenomenological philosophy is an unprejudiced study of experience in its entire range: experience being understood as yielding objects. Experi ence, moreover, is approached in a specific way, such a way that it legitima tizes itself naturally in immediate evidence. (...)
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  12. Na amplitudzie istnienia. Błażej Pascal o rozpaczy i nadziei człowieka.Anna Teresa Łukowska - 2004 - Colloquia Communia 76 (1):54-63.
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  13. Nietzsche e la letteratura francese.Anna Teresa Vaglia - 1967 - Brescia,:
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  14. Games of global dimensions: toward a new dialogue with nature.Teresa Kwiatkowska-Szatzschneider - 1994 - Ludus Vitalis 2 (2):195-218.
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  15. Temporal updating, temporal reasoning, and the domain of time.Christoph Hoerl & Teresa McCormack - 2019 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 42 (e278):51-77.
    We focus on three main sets of topics emerging from the commentaries on our target article. First, we discuss several types of animal behavior that commentators cite as evidence against our claim that animals are restricted to temporal updating and cannot engage in temporal reasoning. In doing so, we illustrate further how explanations of behavior in terms of temporal updating work. Second, we respond to commentators’ queries about the developmental process through which children acquire a capacity for temporal reasoning and (...)
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    Missing Links: Hume, Smith, Kant and Economic Methodology.Stuart Holland & Teresa Carla Oliveira - 2013 - Economic Thought 2 (2):46.
    This paper traces missing links in the history of economic thought. In outlining Hume's concept of 'the reflexive mind' it shows that this opened frontiers between philosophy and psychology which Bertrand Russell denied and which logical positivism in philosophy and positive economics displaced. It relates this to Hume's influence not only on Smith, but also on Schopenhauer and the later Wittgenstein, with parallels in Gestalt psychology and recent findings from neural research and cognitive psychology. It critiques Kant's reaction to Hume's (...)
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    Devenir adulte avec une maladie chronique : les différents niveaux de transition.Ingrid Banovic, Teresa Rebelo & Didier Drieu - 2018 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 2 (2):111-121.
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    Commentary: No unique effect of intergroup competition on cooperation: non-competitive thresholds are as effective as competition between groups for increasing human cooperative behavior.Bonaventura Majolo & Teresa Romero - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Hannah Arendt e Rahel Varnhagen. La narrazione come laboratorio filosofico.Maria Teresa Marcialis - 2022 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 3:536-577.
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  20. Philosophy and history in Pietro Piovani's works.Maria Teresa Marcialis - 2008 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 63 (4):693-714.
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  21. (1 other version)Pietro Piovani storico della filosofia.Maria Teresa Marcialis - 2001 - Giornale Critico Della Filosofia Italiana 21 (1):19-35.
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    Insect–virus relationships: Sifting by informatics.David Dall, Teresa Luque & David O'Reilly - 2001 - Bioessays 23 (2):184-193.
    Several groups of large DNA viruses successfully utilise the rich resource provided by insect hosts. Defining the mechanisms that enable these pathogens to optimise their relationships with their hosts is of considerable scientific and practical importance, but our understanding of the processes involved is, as yet, rudimentary. Here we describe an informatics-based approach that uses comparison of viral genomic sequences to identify candidate genes likely to be specifically involved in this process. We hypothesise that such genes should satisfy two essential (...)
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    Haptic equivalence matching of curvature by blind and sighted humans.Philip W. Davidson & Teresa T. Whitson - 1974 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 102 (4):687.
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  24. El teatro de la zona nacional durante la guerra civil española, 1936-1939: notas para su historia.María Teresa Cristina García Alvarez - 1990 - El Basilisco 6:53-68.
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  25. Studi in Onore di M. F. Sciacca.Maria Teresa Antonelli, Michele Schiavone & Michele Federico Sciacca - 1959 - C. Marzorati.
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    Teoria, model, rzeczywistość.Teresa Grabińska - 1993 - Wrocław: Wydawn. Politechniki Wrocławskiej.
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  27. The history of episodic memory.Christoph Hoerl & Teresa McCormack - 2024 - Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London B: Biological Sciences 379:20230396.
    Over the course of his research, Endel Tulving offered a number of somewhat different characterizations of episodic memory. Do they indicate that he changed his mind over time as to what episodic memory is, or did his core understanding of the nature of episodic memory stay the same? In this article, we offer some support for the latter claim, and in particular for thinking that, throughout his life, Tulving took as a defining feature of episodic memory the distinctive awareness of (...)
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    On the Creation.Elizabeth Teresa Howe - 2006 - Renascence 59 (1):3-15.
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    Career management training in the university environment.Teresa Torres-Coronas, María Arántzazu Vidal-Blasco & María José Simón-Olmos - 2022 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 11 (4):1-11.
    In this paper we evaluate and confirm the effectiveness of including curriculum training on career management as a component of university studies. The behaviour of the students in this study was modified by the uncertainty created by the crisis in the labour market due to the pandemic.Our results confirm that universities need to develop the generic and academic skills demanded by the labour market in order to provide their students with comprehensive training while also taking joint responsibility for developing their (...)
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  30. Existence Vindicated or 'The Hundred Real Dollars'.Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka - 1965 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 46 (2):211.
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  31. First Principles of the Metaphysics of Life Charting the Human Condition: Man's Creative Act and the Origin of Rationalities.Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka - 1986 - Analecta Husserliana 21:3.
  32. For Roman Ingarden.Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka (ed.) - 1959 - 's-Gravenhage,: M. Nijhoff.
    Editorial: the second phenomenology, by A. T. Tymieniecka.--Roman Ingarden, critique de Bergson, par J. M. Fataud.--Some remarks on the ego in the phenomenology of Husserl, by C. van Peursen.--The empirical and transcendental ego, by M. Natanson.--Rencontre et dialogue, par E. Minkowski.--Quelques thèmes d'une phénoménologie de rêve, par J. Héring.--Man and his life-world, by J. Wild.--Die Verwirklichung des Wesens in der Sprache der Dichtung: Gustave Flaubert, von F. Kaufmann.--Le langage de la poésie, par J. F. Mora.--L'analyse de l'idée et la participation, (...)
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  33. Initial Spontaneity and the Modalities of Human Life.Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka - 1976 - Analecta Husserliana 5:15.
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  34. LXXXIII.Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka (ed.) - 2004 - Springer.
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  35. (1 other version)Logos and Life. Volume 2: The Three Movements of the Soul.Anna-Teresa TYMIENIECKA - 1988
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    Life Creative Mimesis of Emotion: From Sorrow to Elation: Elegiac Virtuosity in Literature.Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka - 2000 - Springer Verlag.
    Are emotions, feelings, sentiments not the stuff of literature? There it is where they project their inner logic of aesthetic transmutation; there, beyond the instrument of language that they command. This collection explores how the lyrical virtualities of life-experience and the elegiac style in literature share a common core, lifting the human significance of life from abysmal vitality to esoteric heights, from abysmal grief to a serene reconciliation with destiny. The elegiac sequence in the play of emotions, feelings and sentiments (...)
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    Life-- energies, forces, and the shaping of life.Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka (ed.) - 2002 - Boston: Kluwer Academic.
    The nature of life consists in a constructive becoming (see Analecta Husserliana vol. 70). Though caught up in its relatively stable, stationary intervals manifesting the steps of its accomplishments that our attention is fixed. In this selection of studies we proceed, in contrast, to envisage life in the Aristotelian perspective in which energia, forces, and dynamisms of life at work are at the fore. Startling questions emerge: `what distinction could be drawn between the prompting forces of life and its formation? (...)
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    Life Phenomenology of Life as the Starting Point of Philosophy: Phenomenology of Life As the Starting Point of Philosophy : 25th Anniversary Publication.Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka & International Phenomenology Congress - 1997 - Springer Verlag.
    In her introduction to this collection, Tymieniecka presents her phenomenology of life - the leitmotif of the three-volume anniversary publication of Analecta Husserliana - as something that stands out from preceding historical attempts to investigate life in an 'integral' or 'scientific' way. After an incubation lasting throughout the 2000 years of Occidental philosophy, this scientific phenomenology/philosophy of life at last uncovers the entire area of the 'inner workings of Nature', exposing the way in which the 'sufficient reason' and the 'ground' (...)
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  39. Nature in the Ontopoiesis of Life: From the Cosmic Dissemination to the Human Cultivation of the Logos.Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka - 1995 - Analecta Husserliana 47:11.
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  40. (1 other version)Phenomenology of Life and the New Critique of Reason: From Husserl's Philosophy to the Phenomenology of Life and of the Human Condition.Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka - 1990 - Analecta Husserliana 29:3.
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    Poetics of the Elements in the Human Condition: The Sea: From Elemental Stirrings to Symbolic Inspiration, Language, and Life-Significance in Literary Interpretation and Theory.Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka - 1985 - Springer.
  42. Phenomenology Reflects upon Itself. II: The Ideal of the Universal Science: the Original Project of Husserl Reinterpreted with Reference to the Acquisitions of Phenomenology and the Progress of Contemporary Science.Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka - 1972 - Analecta Husserliana 2:3.
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    Quelques notions de phénoménologie créationnelle de l'être.Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka - 1960 - Atti Del XII Congresso Internazionale di Filosofia 5:523-529.
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  44. Reason, Life, Culture.Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka - 1993
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    The Elemental Dialectic of Light and Darkness: The Passions of the Soul in the Onto-Poiesis of Life.Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka - 1992 - Springer Verlag.
    The dialectic of light and darkness studied in this collection of essays reveals itself as a primal factor of life as well as the essential element of the specifically human world. From its borderline position between physis and psyche, natural growth and techne, bios and ethos, it functions as the essential factor in all the sectors of life at large. We see its crucial role in all sectors of life while, prompted by man's creative imagination, it enhances and spurs his (...)
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  46. The Phenomenological Conception of the Possible Worlds and the Creative Function of Man.Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka - 1983 - Analecta Husserliana 14:353.
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  47. The Passions of the Soul and the Elements in the Onto-Poiesis of Culture: The Life-Significance of Literature.Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka - 1990 - Analecta Husserliana 28:3.
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    The Poetry of Life in Literature.Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka - 2000 - Springer Verlag.
    Poetry of life in literature and through literature, and the vast territory in between - as vast as human life itself - where they interact and influence each other, is the nerve of human existence. Whether we are aware of it or not, we are profoundly dissatisfied with the stark reality of life's swift progress onward, and the enigmatic and irretrievable meaning of the past. And so we dramatise our existence, probing deeply for a lyrical and heartfelt yet universally valid (...)
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  49.  24
    The Turning Points of the New Phenomenological Era: Husserl Research — Drawing upon the Full Extent of His Development Book 1 Phenomenology in the World Fifty Years after the Death of Edmund Husserl.Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka & World Congress of Phenomenology - 1991 - Springer.
    orbit and far beyond it. Indeed, the immense, painstaking, indefatigable and ever-improving effort of Husserl to find ever-deeper and more reliable foundations for the philosophical enterprise (as well as his constant critical re-thinking and perfecting of the approach and so called "method" in order to perform this task and thus cover in this source-excavation an ever more far-reaching groundwork) stands out and maintains itself as an inepuisable reservoir for philosophical reflec tion in which all the above-mentioned work has either its (...)
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  50. XLIV.Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka (ed.) - 1995 - Springer.
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